ImAGEin Erasmums Mundus Joint Master organizes a variety of events designed to foster academic and professional development. These activities include workshops, seminars, and networking opportunities, aimed at enriching students' learning experience and connecting them with experts in the field.
ImAGEin Winter School 2023 - Dec. 11th to 16th, 2023
winter school 2023 gynko group photo
Back in December 2023, we organized a Winter School with the EUR Life Graduate School in Nice, within the Université Cote d'Azur.
A winter (or summer) school is an intensive program around an annual theme aimed at providing an intensive and innovative learning experience to discover and strengthen knowledge of the fundamental disciplines of Life Sciences. Each of our Winter School and Summer school are offered in the EU or with free access to the scientific public subject to registration.
winter school 2023 keynote speaker
winter school 2023 research project
winter school 2023 lab visit
About 50 persons attended this event, during which speakers and participants discussed a wide spectrum of general concepts (genome stability, cellular senescence, stem cell, cellular regeneration, mytochodrial function, immune responses, physiopathology), creating an unique opportunity to fulfill the following objectives :
To identify halmarks of aging.
To know experimental models of aging and their application in research.
To understand aging-related alterations at different organisational levels: from cell to organism.
To perceive the biology of aging as a broad, individual and multifactorial biological process.
To develop and present an idea with societal impact resulting from scientific observations.
winter school 2023 research project
Over this exciting week, we were proud to welcome 3 prestigious keynote speakers:
Dr. Deepak Kumar Saini (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India)
Dr. Mario Pende (l’Institut Necker-Enfants malades, Paris, France)
Dr. Bjorn Schumacher (Institute for Genome Stability in Aging and Disease, CECAD, Cologne, Germany)