Global recognition

Basic and applied scientific research are the foundations of the Graduate School of Research in Life and Health Sciences (LIFE). Strongly focused on interdisciplinarity and on excellence in each discipline, LIFE is committed to supporting emerging new projects and pushing the limits of research to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

To meet this goal, LIFE has formed a community of more than 1,000 scientists organized in 82 research teams spread over 9 laboratories, 3 specialized institutes, national research organizations (EPST), 2 Laboratories of Excellence (Labex) and an Academy of Excellence "Complexity and diversity of living things" that covers all scientific fields. LIFE has earned worldwide recognition via this tight-knit community.

National Scientific and Technological Organizations (EPST)

Interdisciplinary institutes of excellence

Academy of Excellence

As part of the UCAJEDI program, five academies of excellence were created to develop novel interactions between researchers from different disciplines in different areas. These academies of excellence have a flexible and dynamic structure that encourages creativity and renewal in research at Université Côte d'Azur. Annual funding allows the academies to support on their own terms the initiatives that arise from their members.

The Academy 4 Complexity and Diversity of Living Systems is attached to the Graduate School of Life and Health Sciences.


The SIGNALIFE Labex aims to develop a research network between six leading academic research institutes in Nice. This project contributes to establish an interactive network of regional life science institutes centered on the study of signaling pathways in animals and plants, essential to our understanding of human health and fundamental biological processes.
The research program is organized into 5 main scientific themes around signaling:

  • Cellular architecture
  • Cellular plasticity
  • Stress signaling
  • Aging and disease progression
  • New principles

The ICST LabEx is a national network dedicated to understanding the processes of ion propagation through cell membranes, in order to validate new therapeutic targets for the development of medication for pain, epilepsy, cancer, cystic fibrosis and certain kidney diseases. This unique structure, based on experts with recognized skills, and on a rich and fruitful experience in the study and discovery of ion channels, is one of the most visible networks at European level.

International partnerships