The Graduate School of Life and Health Sciences (EUR LIFE) is home to more than 1,000 scientists working on a wide range of themes within 82 teams in 9 major research centers, 2 specialized institutes, an Academy of Excellence "Complexity and diversity of living systems", and 2 laboratories of excellence (LABEX). All are associated with the French national research organizations: CNRS, INSERM, INRAE, CEA.

The major disciplines covered by LIFE include three of the most important challenges in the life sciences today:
  • Biological information, including genomics, signaling, and neuroscience.
  • Biomedical research with a special emphasis on aging, cancer, metabolic diseases, inflammation, pharmacology, and rare diseases.
  • Environmental biology with the study of interactions between plants, pathogens, and symbiotes, and their spatial and temporal dynamics, and the study of marine resources.

Our objectives :

  • Create synergies between research, education, and jobs.
  • Provide an education in biology that prepares students for the future and for interdisciplinarity.
  • Offer degrees and programs that are open to the international community.
  • Boost innovation and encourage entrepreneurship.
On the strength of the excellence of its scientific community, the LIFE Graduate School is establishing stronger ties between science, teaching and private companies. Graduate Schools were created to spur unprecedented growth and push back the limits of higher education. The LIFE Graduate School is resolved to benefit from this momentum.



4 major themes


Students can acquire multiple competencies by selecting minor courses from a wide choice of teaching units within the 8 Graduate Schools. This gives all students the opportunity to design a course program that corresponds to their personal professional aspirations.


Disciplinary excellence is essential in research and is one of the major values of LIFE. Students who complete the courses in the master's degree in life sciences acquire the fundamental knowledge and competencies needed for research in the laboratories affiliated with LIFE.


LIFE has an international focus, as reflected in the international master's degrees, the disciplines taught in English, LIFE's close collaboration with the Université Côte d'Azur laboratories of excellence (LABEX), its tight partnerships with foreign universities, and the organization of international Summer and Winter Schools.


Strong partnerships have been developed with local, national, and international companies in the biotech, medtech and big pharma sector. Each company is carefully selected to make sure they meet the needs of our students, provide them with a fulfilling experience and allow them to pursue innovative projects.