Vision and strategy
Develop a fully integrated Graduate School combining research and education with a strong focus on interdisciplinarity and innovation, encourage international collaborations and place highly qualified students in exciting work environments where they can develop their competencies.
In 2016, Université Côte d'Azur won the prestigious Initiative of Excellence (Idex) award. The distinction granted by an international jury places the university among the top 10 research-intensive universities in France, provides it with additional resources to further accelerate its progress, and recogizes the university's capacity to compete on the global stage.
The IDEX UCAJEDI project is developing tools and programs to advance research, education, and innovation and address the three major challenges of this century: regional resilience and sustainability, economic and societal transformation through digital technology, and well-being and aging.
Since January 1, 2020, Université Côte d'Azur has officially been recognized as an Experimental University. This new academic status allows it to develop a daring and autonomous strategy based on:
- Bringing the gaps between education, research, and innovation.
- Providing increased autonomy to its components and thereby making them more agile and proactive.
- Harnessing the amazing potential of its 17 diverse members.
This status allowed it notably to create Graduate Schools (EUR) that were given the essential role of redesigning the university's structure.
The new Université Côte d'Azur experimental university is organized in an innovative way around 8 Graduate Schools (EUR). The purpose of these new entities is to provide a strong link between education and academic research or more applied research in connection with the industry sector. Largely autonomous, they nevertheless share the same goals and operating principles: provide innovative teaching, individualized course programs, and decompartmentalized academic cycles and programs, encourage multidisciplinarity, international partnerships, and international student mobility, and strengthen distance and lifelong learning, all of this in close collaboration with the regional business and cultural community.
As part of the UCAJEDI program, five academies of excellence were created to develop novel interactions between researchers from different disciplines in the following five areas:
Academy 1: Networks, Information and Digital Society
Academy 2: Complex Systems
Academy 3: Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience
Academy 4: Complexity and Diversity of Living Systems
Academy 5: Human Societies, Ideas and EnvironmentsThese academies of excellence have a flexible and dynamic structure that encourages creativity and renewal in research at Université Côte d'Azur. Annual funding allows the academies to support on their own terms the initiatives that arise from their members.
The mission of the academies:
- Create spaces for intellectual interaction and for the emergence of new concepts.
- Support innovative, original, and quality research projects with the potential for national and international impact.
Our degrees and programs seek to cover a wide range that includes modeling (biology, medicine), data analysis (statistics, machine learning) and method development (computer science, applied mathematics). Our goal is to collaborate with the doctoral school to place talented students with a multidisciplinary scientific education in our laboratories. Physics, chemistry, computational approaches, big data processing and machine learning can now interact under the common banner of Université Côte d'Azur.
The DS4H, SPECTRUM and LIFE Graduate Schools are strongly connected to each other, as with LJAD, INRIA, and INPHYNI.
This unique capacity to collaborate all together offers the potential to advance in the current direction taken by Life and Health Sciences, which is the modeling and processing of massive high-resolution datasets.
Our scientific vision is to provide the best education to students and scientists with degrees in either life sciences or mathematics, physics, and computer science. The programs offered encourage collaborations at the interfaces between these complementary scientific communities and are designed to create a virtuous circle leading to new shared research projects.