Published on June 30, 2020 Updated on July 15, 2020

from March 15, 2021 to March 21, 2021

The next edition of Brain Week will take place from March 15 to 21, 2021! Take note ! All the actors of Brain Week will return next year to share their enthusiasm and their research on this fascinating organ that is the brain. In the meantime, we are making available resources to learn more about the brain. Stay connected!

Organized every year in March since 1999, Brain Week is coordinated in France by the Société des Neurosciences.

This international event, organized simultaneously in a hundred countries and more than 120 cities in France, aims to raise awareness among the general public of the importance of brain research. It is an opportunity for many researchers, doctors and student volunteers to meet the public and share with them the advances obtained in neuroscience research laboratories, to present the challenges for the knowledge of the brain and the implications for our society.

Throughout this week, the general public will be able to meet researchers to learn more about the brain and learn about current research.

It is a spectacular event by its national and international dimension, by the number of people mobilized, by the public success encountered, and by the quality of its programming.
In 2019, more than 60,000 people, young and adults, participated and shared the enthusiasm of the researchers.
